Jake Laura

By the power vested in this crystal, now acknowledging through symbolic representation, I hereby affirm and establish my bona fide claim. Thus, let it stand as present and incontrovertible empirical evidence, meritoriously asserting my “status” as a legitimate and supreme arrogant asshole – just so you know.

Join the movement #compassionateAsshole

Often, the most pernicious of lies are the ones we tell ourselves because “we” believe them.

The Info Dump

the cookie cutter god

Image representing the circuit from our Creator and the self

I have multiple conversations a week with individuals based on my perspective that have been cultivated over the last 20+ years. The schools of thought, the gurus I have followed, and the texts that I have read are far too many to name and list, I can’t even remember them all. Just a constant consumption of ideas.

Most of my ideas stem from the schools of thought on Jurisprudence (Philosophy of Law), Religion, and Philosophy (as a whole; thinking of Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche, and some of the other great minds of our existence).

Then many of my original ideas come from meditations, “downloads,” and things of that nature in my practices, some of old, some being my own cultivations.

One of the greatest hurdles, most beneficial in overcoming, that I witness, is when we begin to look at our own individual perspectives and the limitations we place on “our” Creator.

For me, I see Jesus Christ referring to God as “My” Father, and I relate to that now in my individualistic way. 

I’ve found myself communicating what I believe to be the intention, the spirit, behind that statement. I say now “my” Creator because for me, that is a more authentic expression of how I perceive it all.

The reasoning behind that stance that I now take is that I don’t want to be limited by another’s definition. I don’t want “my” Creator to be lumped into the same box that someone else has already defined.

Many preachers speak of God is this and God is that, and I want absolutely nothing to do with any of that nonsense.

We’re all human, and a fundamental aspect of the human experience is we must place limitations on everything, we must place things in boxes and categories. This has been known for millenniums of old and is so ancient. The great philosopher Aristotle spoke of this concept in his book Organon in his section called Categories.

We can’t help but categorize the aspects of our lives. It is a limitation but a necessary one. We must limit ourselves and the data throughout to have an experience of meaning and purpose. 

We must place limitations on the external reality if we are to co-exist and operate in a consensus reality.

We use words that are also categorizations of themselves, definitions that mean different things to different people.

I remember a conversation I had with a young man on the idea of God’s unconditional Love. He was trying to express that God’s Love is unconditional, but I could perceive a flaw in his understanding of unconditional. 

In my experience, love is flat-out “unconditional,” and what I mean by that is God Almighty, that Most High, loves us to such a degree that he’ll allow us to believe whatever we need to believe unconditionally and allow us to go through what we need to go through unconditionally through that grace and that mercy.

I do believe that He governs us, protects us, and keeps us from destroying ourselves unnecessarily so that we can continue to grow and move closer to His Nature, whatever that may be.

So maybe He gives a taste of the perspective. Ok, I see you need to be a witness to that reality, and so let it be, “Here you go.”

This presents itself in a multitude of ways, from those who see God to be Loving and Kind and the trials and tribulations are merely blessings to help us grow to the opposite, which I see much more often in my conversations “God hates me,” and “God made a mistake in making me,” and “God has cursed me”, and on and on.

Cultivating the tools to resolve those fallacies is a “practice” and, I think, one that I’ve grown to be very adept at, as I’ve witnessed how effective I can be with bringing these deep deep-held beliefs that we’re ignorant to until the proper questions are asked. 

Until the investigation into the cause of causes commences. 

I’ve shown people how to do this on their own, but yet, I would suggest I am much more effective at it than anyone I know of or have taught. Why? I can only credit Divine Inspiration and Divine Providence on that. 

It’s merely a gift that I was blessed with.

From bad relationships to angst at the presence of advertisements popping up on the internet, to having a flat tire, to experiencing the fear of judgment and overall anxiety of being in a public space.

Again and again, and again, and again, I witness all this “mess,” this ignorance, it all stems from our relationship with “our” Creator. The box we put “That” in so long ago and forgot why that was and where “we” placed “What Simply Is.”

The “Cookie Cutter” God Almighty – this is the curse we placed on ourselves.

On top of that, we have all these voices that place yet more limitations on what could be and is. 

God is this, God is that, God SAID!!!! And on and on and on. More and more limitations.

Yet, as I have quoted from the Maxim of Law, over and over and over again, “A power derived cannot be greater than that which it is derived.”

The limitations we place on “our” creator, I would suggest, from my personal experience and in being a personal witness to many other human beings’ lives as I have seen this subtle but magnificent shift take place and the chain reaction as it flows forth into all aspects of life.

The source of most of our angst is not external; it’s not out there, but within the relationship and what we hold in our relationship with “our” Creator. 

Not to be merely defined by the word “God,” which is a lump-sum group of limitations that comes from prideful and arrogant SOBs who think they know more or refer to them as some kind of shepherd that needs to tell the masses what to believe and what to perceive. 

I speak not of that but the essence of what “Is.” 

That which is the totality of “Isness”.

Our relationship with “our” Creator is something extremely personal and something that is constantly evolving and becoming more and more real as the days and years move forward, as the sands of time, dripping ever so gently, flowing so eloquently, moving us forward into something more.

So now to and for those who wish to entertain this idea. Here I present an exercise, my own cultivation, I use in what I titled “Going up the chain.” 

The methodology behind this is you take something that annoys you, whether that’s some bad news, a bad experience, being rejected by someone you had or have a crush on, something someone said to you, or being cut off in traffic. 

It really doesn’t matter, but we need a “charge” (emotional angst), we need that angst to fuel the exploration and to “move up the chain”

So we take whatever it is, the scenario, and realizing the angst, we ask, “For this to be true, what must exist prior, what must be true for this to take place, for me to feel this way?”

Then we move up the chain, and we repeat that cycle again. “Now, if this is the case, what must then be true for this to even exist?”

And we move up the chain again. We keep going, and 99.99 if not 100% of the time, eventually it’s gonna come up, our relationship with “our” Creator and the box we placed that in, whether that was this lifetime or 17 lifetimes ago.

Using a note taking app is an excellent tool for this technique. Writing the statement out in the app and moving up the chain and writing that statement out, and on and on until you hit it, “the fallacy.” 

And you’ll know it when you see it.

You go up the chain, and eventually, you’ll hit that fallacy, and you’ll know it to be false, a false assumption, but that false assumption has always been there, running your life in the background. Hidden but all-powerful, literally running your entire existence unconsciously.

You go “up” the chain, and when you hit it, that energy will flow back “down” the chain. And that often, if not always, leads to a new interpretation and a new experience, a new and different relationship with the present moment.

Fundamentally, I need to express this again, “A power derived cannot be greater than that which it is derived.”

The limitations we place on “our” Creator are the limitations we place on ourselves. Our potential, as well as the Love we have access to and from that Creator, is based on the limitations we place on that relationship.

The more we can Love “our” Creator, the more access we obtain from and within that circuit.

Ultimately, we are the bottleneck.

We’re the problem because we placed God in a box. We created a “Cookie Cutter God Almighty” so long, long ago, and we forgot when and why we did that to ourselves.

By the way, I am working on a book on these kinds of topics that I hope will be useful, it’s in the works, and I am currently working on chapter 5. 

It’s a work in progress, so when and if it comes out, time will tell, but it is something I’m working on. 

I’m also changing my tag from #bonafideAsshole to #compassionateAsshole because I see that as a more accurate representation of what it is I am trying to accomplish.

– just so you know. #compassionateAsshole

cults are ok

image of Ardhanarishvara

I said some harsh words of the Orthodox church, and on further reflection, I think that that was a mistake in some ways. I learned a lot from Orthodoxy early on, as I have learned from many of the traditions and those sole individuals that I have studied under for the past 20+ years in my search for Truth.

I left a summary of Robert Greene’s books towards the end of the post I am referring to, listing out the principles of creating a cult, alluding to the idea that maybe the Orthodox church is of the same cut of cloth as that of a cult. 

Whether that’s an objective truth or not, I can’t say, and so I will retract that claim if it was, in fact, made.

However, I can claim and stand present in knowing that I learned many useful and beneficial ideas from the Orthodox tradition. 

Personally, I didn’t want to be a “member” and, by that, become “married” to a specific school of thought as I hold that “All Truth comes from God,” no matter the source or tradition. 

I merely, in my weakness and lack of holding Love for “my” Creator above all, fell into peer pressure and did something ultimately didn’t want to do, regretted, and thus sacrificed my integrity for the approval of others.

In the end, my excommunication was actually a blessing, one of which I’m very thankful and grateful for because I had fallen asleep and lost my identity in the process of my “conversion.”

I reflect now and see the cult-like thing is just a necessary element within all successful organizations. 

Is this right, or is this wrong? 

These are the wrong questions to ask. 

Instead, we should ask, “Is it necessary?”

And, I would suggest that yes, in fact, it is necessary, very necessary. 

It’s very necessary to have cult-like qualities if you desire to have a successful organization or community, no matter what type of collective that may be.

Whether it be a mere group of friends, a clique, a nation-state, or a billion+ dollar a year Fortune 500 company, which I have also worked for and have witnessed many of these same cult-like qualities that you’d find in any other “successful” organization. 

It’s merely a necessary element that has been given a bad rap by a handful of bad actors. 

And I don’t see the Orthodox Tradition to be a bad actor, it has many great qualities and great teachings.

However, it was not for me to be a “member,” and it never was. I can remember during my initial confession, I tried to express some of my experiences which I was quickly invalidated as symptoms of possible mental illness. 

For example, I’ve never been able to rid myself of my witness to the phenomenon of reincarnation and always felt like a fraud when the subject matter came up because I would hide my understanding for fear of disapproval.

I’ve had plenty of experiences in my quest for Truth, and it may bring comfort to those softer souls to label them as a mere mental illness because the Truth is too difficult to swallow. 

But I stand firm that this reality is but a reflection of something so much greater. As Plato described in his allegory of the cave, the concept that people are merely seeing shadows on the wall would, in fact, be “somewhat” closer to Truth than many realize when it comes to the essence of what this version of reality entails.

From having sexual intercourse in “this physical reality” with perceived gods of the Hindu tradition to evoking entities from other planes of existence/dimensions to witnessing the stopping or the mere absence of time on the physical plane to feeling the presence of God Almighty, which is super beyond spooky by the way… just so you know; and many things and experiences far and in between. 

Yet, no matter how deep I go, every new answer evokes yet a new question, greater than the last. 

This cycle is endless and neverending, and sometimes I wish to just simply “let it be,” but the itch remains constant. I must know more, and this quest is neverending, with each new witness of something new being then greater and more fulfilling than the last.

I think of many ideas from my existence and during my meditations, my exercises, and my practices, learned from times of old or cultivated by my own expression.

Remembrance of things like when Jesus spoke, saying, “He would come like a thief in the night.” And then thinking how when someone gets frightened by something unexpected, what do they say? simply… 

“Jesus Christ… you F’n scared me!” 

So… I ask…  what’s that all about?

What’s this really and truly about?


I operate from a paradoxical stance at ALL times… holding in mind two opposite perspectives from two completely different points of view simultaneously.

We’re either separate sentient and autonomous entities governed by Universal Law, or we are, in fact, merely one universal entity moving in uniform motion pretending to be separate, and all of this is literally a giant play like William Shakespeare said so many years ago.

Is the world waiting on me, or am I waiting on the world, or is it somewhere in between? 

This I have yet to determine.

Am I making you up, or are you making me and all the rest of us up in your own imagination, this being all a dream of your own creation distracting you from the fact that you are really all alone? 

That’s the question I leave for you.

To see outside that, to believe in “Actual” separation, and that this universe is, in fact, merely random events created by the random fears and desires of “other” personalities, this belief, though many appear and seem to believe just that, takes a tremendous amount of “blind” faith.

And “blind” faith is not for me.

Now, go have a good day.

– just so you know. #bonafideAsshole

my search for Truth

In my quest and search for Truth, that “ULTIMATE” Truth that fears nothing but to be hidden, thus moving me closer in relationship to my Creator. I have recently been excommunicated from my previous church, labeled as Orthodoxy. I felt a vast mixture of emotions, coming into remembrance of pains from times so very, very long ago to that of supreme relief of this present moment.

I hold certainty that all things work together for good to those who love God and to those who are called according to His purpose.

I am once again reminded of the One, my Lord and Savior, who came so long ago saying, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”

Know that I am fine and secure and that I overcame the emotional storm of this news in less than 3 hours.

I stand firm in my Knowingness of the following 3 tenets, which I Know and hold to be True.

1) Love “your” Creator more than the rest – the First and Greatest Commandment

2) Next then, Love “your” neighbor as yourself – this being second and coming after the first

3) “Pick up ‘your’ cross (burden) and follow Me” – As Christ directed so long ago.

With that, I can only say that I am in very good spirits, as my stability comes from my Creator and the Rock that my Lord provides in which I stand, not people and their opinions and judgments.

God’s Infinite and Eternal Love far outweighs the “counterfeit,” which comes in the form of external validation and the approval of mortals.

I leave the following, which was provided by OpenAi’s ChatGPT… A gift from me to anyone who may need what I needed to hear so many years ago.

In *The 48 Laws of Power*, Robert Greene outlines **Law 27**: *”Play on People’s Need to Believe to Create a Cultlike Following.”* In this chapter, Greene explains how powerful leaders can create a devoted, cultlike following by tapping into people’s desires for belief, security, and purpose. Here are the key elements Greene suggests for creating a cult or cultlike following:

### 1. **Keep it Vague, Keep it Simple**

– Create a grand, but unclear, vision that appeals to people’s emotions rather than their reason. The less specific you are, the more people can project their own desires and hopes onto your message.

– Make the message simple enough that followers don’t have to think too much. Complexity encourages skepticism, while simplicity allows people to accept without questioning.

### 2. **Emphasize the Visual and the Sensational**

– Use rituals, symbols, and striking visual imagery to captivate attention and create an emotional connection. This helps create a sense of mystery and aura around your movement.

– Dramatic gestures, ceremonies, and public displays create an emotional bond and give people something to hold onto.

### 3. **Create an Us vs. Them Dynamic**

– Cultivate a sense of exclusivity and separation from the outside world. Give your followers the feeling that they are part of something special, while everyone else is misguided or less worthy.

– This creates loyalty and reinforces group identity.

### 4. **Encourage Blind Faith**

– Discourage critical thinking and encourage belief over reason. This can be done by positioning yourself as an authority, creating an aura of infallibility, or presenting yourself as a conduit for a higher power or truth.

– Encourage your followers to trust you completely, without asking too many questions.

### 5. **Promise the World but Deliver Incrementally**

– Promise transformative, life-changing results, but only deliver small rewards or incremental benefits to keep followers wanting more. This keeps people invested, as they continue to chase the ultimate payoff.

– Stringing people along with gradual improvements sustains their hope and deepens their loyalty.

### 6. **Mix Truth with Fiction**

– Weave a narrative that blends fact with exaggeration or outright fiction, making it difficult for followers to distinguish between reality and myth.

– A mixture of truth and illusion makes your story more compelling and harder to debunk. People are more likely to believe something if it contains a kernel of truth.

### 7. **Create a New Vocabulary**

– Introduce new terms, catchphrases, or jargon unique to your group. This creates a language of belonging and reinforces the idea that followers are part of something special and distinct from the outside world.

– Specialized language also creates a barrier for outsiders and makes members feel more cohesive.

### 8. **Set Up a Hierarchy of Devotion**

– Cultivate inner circles or levels of advancement to create a hierarchy of loyalty and devotion. People are drawn to the idea of being more “in the know” or part of an elite group, so they’ll strive to climb this hierarchy.

– The structure of tiers also gives you more control, as you can reward or punish followers based on their level of loyalty.

### 9. **Make Followers Dependent on You**

– Ensure that your followers feel they need you for guidance, purpose, or identity. This is done by creating a culture where leaving the group feels like a personal loss or even a betrayal.

– Keep them emotionally and psychologically invested in your leadership or the movement so they don’t easily walk away.

### 10. **Use Charisma and Presence**

– Cult leaders often use their personal charm, magnetism, and aura of authority to captivate followers. Greene emphasizes the importance of charisma in attracting devotion.

– Develop a personal presence that makes people feel excited, inspired, or comforted in your presence.

By applying these strategies, Greene argues that you can craft a following that is loyal, uncritical, and emotionally invested in you or your cause—similar to how cult leaders in history have operated.

– just so you know. #bonafideAsshole

Trials and Tribulations

Just a basic rundown on the trials and tribulations of life and how they are blessings from the Most High. I think many people will obtain much from this vid. If you know someone struggling right now, maybe share this gift with them, and may the Most High bless them too, as what we “share” GROWS – that is both internally and externally – REMEMBER THAT! – just so you know. #bonafideAsshole

let it begin

Hey guys! I made an album from the poems I wrote while I was in the psych ward, and with the assistance of AI, I then created a Musical Album. It’s on all the major platforms now, from Apple Music to Amazon Music. I titled it “Let the Harvest Begin,” and it’s by me, Jake Laura – just so you know. #bonafideAsshole 


Principium est potissima pars cujusque rei – The beginning is the most powerful part of each thing – just so you know. #bonafideAsshole

two sides

There are two sides to every coin – just so you know. #bonafideAsshole


When respect for magistrates has been destroyed, the commonwealth perishes – just so you know. #bonafideAsshole 

bigger the charge

Bigger the charger; the bigger the gain – just so you know. #bonafideAsshole

A power derived

Power that is derived cannot be greater than that from which it is derived – just so you know. #bonafideAsshole

One Law

There will not be one law at Rome, another at Athens; one law now, another hereafter, but one eternal and immortal law shall bind together all nations throughout all time – just so you know. #bonafideAsshole 

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