
the cookie cutter god

Image representing the circuit from our Creator and the self

I have multiple conversations a week with individuals based on my perspective that have been cultivated over the last 20+ years. The schools of thought, the gurus I have followed, and the texts that I have read are far too many to name and list, I can’t even remember them all. Just a constant consumption of ideas.

Most of my ideas stem from the schools of thought on Jurisprudence (Philosophy of Law), Religion, and Philosophy (as a whole; thinking of Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche, and some of the other great minds of our existence).

Then many of my original ideas come from meditations, “downloads,” and things of that nature in my practices, some of old, some being my own cultivations.

One of the greatest hurdles, most beneficial in overcoming, that I witness, is when we begin to look at our own individual perspectives and the limitations we place on “our” Creator.

For me, I see Jesus Christ referring to God as “My” Father, and I relate to that now in my individualistic way. 

I’ve found myself communicating what I believe to be the intention, the spirit, behind that statement. I say now “my” Creator because for me, that is a more authentic expression of how I perceive it all.

The reasoning behind that stance that I now take is that I don’t want to be limited by another’s definition. I don’t want “my” Creator to be lumped into the same box that someone else has already defined.

Many preachers speak of God is this and God is that, and I want absolutely nothing to do with any of that nonsense.

We’re all human, and a fundamental aspect of the human experience is we must place limitations on everything, we must place things in boxes and categories. This has been known for millenniums of old and is so ancient. The great philosopher Aristotle spoke of this concept in his book Organon in his section called Categories.

We can’t help but categorize the aspects of our lives. It is a limitation but a necessary one. We must limit ourselves and the data throughout to have an experience of meaning and purpose. 

We must place limitations on the external reality if we are to co-exist and operate in a consensus reality.

We use words that are also categorizations of themselves, definitions that mean different things to different people.

I remember a conversation I had with a young man on the idea of God’s unconditional Love. He was trying to express that God’s Love is unconditional, but I could perceive a flaw in his understanding of unconditional. 

In my experience, love is flat-out “unconditional,” and what I mean by that is God Almighty, that Most High, loves us to such a degree that he’ll allow us to believe whatever we need to believe unconditionally and allow us to go through what we need to go through unconditionally through that grace and that mercy.

I do believe that He governs us, protects us, and keeps us from destroying ourselves unnecessarily so that we can continue to grow and move closer to His Nature, whatever that may be.

So maybe He gives a taste of the perspective. Ok, I see you need to be a witness to that reality, and so let it be, “Here you go.”

This presents itself in a multitude of ways, from those who see God to be Loving and Kind and the trials and tribulations are merely blessings to help us grow to the opposite, which I see much more often in my conversations “God hates me,” and “God made a mistake in making me,” and “God has cursed me”, and on and on.

Cultivating the tools to resolve those fallacies is a “practice” and, I think, one that I’ve grown to be very adept at, as I’ve witnessed how effective I can be with bringing these deep deep-held beliefs that we’re ignorant to until the proper questions are asked. 

Until the investigation into the cause of causes commences. 

I’ve shown people how to do this on their own, but yet, I would suggest I am much more effective at it than anyone I know of or have taught. Why? I can only credit Divine Inspiration and Divine Providence on that. 

It’s merely a gift that I was blessed with.

From bad relationships to angst at the presence of advertisements popping up on the internet, to having a flat tire, to experiencing the fear of judgment and overall anxiety of being in a public space.

Again and again, and again, and again, I witness all this “mess,” this ignorance, it all stems from our relationship with “our” Creator. The box we put “That” in so long ago and forgot why that was and where “we” placed “What Simply Is.”

The “Cookie Cutter” God Almighty – this is the curse we placed on ourselves.

On top of that, we have all these voices that place yet more limitations on what could be and is. 

God is this, God is that, God SAID!!!! And on and on and on. More and more limitations.

Yet, as I have quoted from the Maxim of Law, over and over and over again, “A power derived cannot be greater than that which it is derived.”

The limitations we place on “our” creator, I would suggest, from my personal experience and in being a personal witness to many other human beings’ lives as I have seen this subtle but magnificent shift take place and the chain reaction as it flows forth into all aspects of life.

The source of most of our angst is not external; it’s not out there, but within the relationship and what we hold in our relationship with “our” Creator. 

Not to be merely defined by the word “God,” which is a lump-sum group of limitations that comes from prideful and arrogant SOBs who think they know more or refer to them as some kind of shepherd that needs to tell the masses what to believe and what to perceive. 

I speak not of that but the essence of what “Is.” 

That which is the totality of “Isness”.

Our relationship with “our” Creator is something extremely personal and something that is constantly evolving and becoming more and more real as the days and years move forward, as the sands of time, dripping ever so gently, flowing so eloquently, moving us forward into something more.

So now to and for those who wish to entertain this idea. Here I present an exercise, my own cultivation, I use in what I titled “Going up the chain.” 

The methodology behind this is you take something that annoys you, whether that’s some bad news, a bad experience, being rejected by someone you had or have a crush on, something someone said to you, or being cut off in traffic. 

It really doesn’t matter, but we need a “charge” (emotional angst), we need that angst to fuel the exploration and to “move up the chain”

So we take whatever it is, the scenario, and realizing the angst, we ask, “For this to be true, what must exist prior, what must be true for this to take place, for me to feel this way?”

Then we move up the chain, and we repeat that cycle again. “Now, if this is the case, what must then be true for this to even exist?”

And we move up the chain again. We keep going, and 99.99 if not 100% of the time, eventually it’s gonna come up, our relationship with “our” Creator and the box we placed that in, whether that was this lifetime or 17 lifetimes ago.

Using a note taking app is an excellent tool for this technique. Writing the statement out in the app and moving up the chain and writing that statement out, and on and on until you hit it, “the fallacy.” 

And you’ll know it when you see it.

You go up the chain, and eventually, you’ll hit that fallacy, and you’ll know it to be false, a false assumption, but that false assumption has always been there, running your life in the background. Hidden but all-powerful, literally running your entire existence unconsciously.

You go “up” the chain, and when you hit it, that energy will flow back “down” the chain. And that often, if not always, leads to a new interpretation and a new experience, a new and different relationship with the present moment.

Fundamentally, I need to express this again, “A power derived cannot be greater than that which it is derived.”

The limitations we place on “our” Creator are the limitations we place on ourselves. Our potential, as well as the Love we have access to and from that Creator, is based on the limitations we place on that relationship.

The more we can Love “our” Creator, the more access we obtain from and within that circuit.

Ultimately, we are the bottleneck.

We’re the problem because we placed God in a box. We created a “Cookie Cutter God Almighty” so long, long ago, and we forgot when and why we did that to ourselves.

By the way, I am working on a book on these kinds of topics that I hope will be useful, it’s in the works, and I am currently working on chapter 5. 

It’s a work in progress, so when and if it comes out, time will tell, but it is something I’m working on. 

I’m also changing my tag from #bonafideAsshole to #compassionateAsshole because I see that as a more accurate representation of what it is I am trying to accomplish.

– just so you know. #compassionateAsshole

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