
My Books

Crossing 27th Street

Jake Laura

Cover for my book called "Crossing 27th Street"

Make up your own mind!

One of the greatest compliments I received from one of my readers was… “It just got me to actually think for myself.” and hearing those words, literally made me choke up with this well of emotion.

I wrote this, my 2nd book, at the age of 27, hence the name.

It’s on many topics, primarily spiritual but also practical and pragmatic.

Lot of references to Gnostic text and ideas reflecting the position that the world is a mirror of what we hold in our heart. I have 2 more books that I “sell“, as in actually invested time in the marketing and really trying to “sell” it. This book, more serious for me and more special. I’m not saying it’s my best work, but more “serious” in nature. A lot of Gnostic ideas held within, some Carl Jung too. Basically a snap shot of my perspective at the age of 27 on the nature of things, the reality.

I do believe “seekers” will get a lot out of it. The average individual that only cares about what football game is going this weekend, probably will hate it.

If you get it – let me know what you think.

Leave me a review. It’s public so open to feedback and critical judgment. I seek Truth too so not opposed to other’s being in a disagreement with how I perceive the nature of existence and reality. Hope you enjoy it. Should be able to read for free on Kindle Unlimited, and I’m sure Amazon has a great return policy if you feel it wasn’t worth it.

Again, I’d much appreciate reviews and feedback.

I wrote this book now 12 years ago, 2013, and I’d put it up, take it down, fear of putting my art out there. But as I’ve gotten older and overcome more challenges, that fear seems to be gone. Welcome all, love it or hate it, let me know.

Stop Giving A Fuck

Jake Laura
1st edition: 2010
This is the 2nd current edition: published 2015

Image of the cover of Jake Laura's first book called Stop Giving A Fuck: The Ultimate Goal
jake having fun

NEXT LEVEL on Socializing, Confidence, and Influence

Wherever you are at when it comes to “all this” – I sincerely believe you will benefit from the material within this book if you are interested in being more social, more confident, and more influential in your interactions.

This is not your typical “How-To” book, and I’m certainly not going to talk about what to “do” or what to “say”, because that my friends, is a complete waste of time…

Personally, I (Jake Laura – the author of this book ) have been coaching individuals in this area of life – to bring about results that are unmatched – for almost 20 years now, 17 to be exact – and I “know” what works.

Principles and Strategies will far outweigh learning and copying someone else’s “tactics”, “techniques” and “behavior” – EVERY SINGLE TIME.

And that is what this book is about – this is NOT a “how-to” book, this is a philosophy – a way of thinking and perceiving the “reality” within itself.


I don’t care what your “situation” is and I don’t care what your “circumstances” are – I “KNOW” you can reach and live within a reality that coincides with YOUR goals and YOUR ambitions – I “KNOW” that.

And this book – very well could be the stepping stone to get you to “REALIZE” that too – And that is a very real possibility,

Now this book is not your typical self-help book – Not at all – this is a book on philosophy.

My intention is to change the way you “think” and how you perceive your self and the world around you – that’s what I’m trying to do.

Stop Giving A F— isn’t about “not caring”, it’s not about “indifference” – necessarily – it’s about “ACCEPTANCE” – Acceptance of “What Is

See What Other’s Are Saying About Jake’s Work

Here are some quotes from a forum talking about me – credit goes to the forum Natural Freedom

[Well it’s a good ebook and better than most of the seduction crap that is out there. A lot of the things he wrote about are topics that we already covered here.

I don’t agree with everything he says but guys should read it and make up their own minds about what makes sense and what does not.

I don’t believe that ebook on his own will turn anyone into a ladies man (no ebook can do that), but there are some good concepts over there. It’s worth a read….]

[I’ve read the book for the first time ago and I liked it. Jake has good ideas, promotes indifference concept.. One of the best books on the topic in my opinion]

[Yeah, Jakes knows really well how to put the whole concept of indifference in catchy words.]

Jake having fun

The First Level is NOT the Last Level

The first level of that acceptance has to do with your self-image (How you perceive your “self” – which includes both “You” and those existing outside of “You“)

Once you get a grip on that, a whole new world begins to open – and that is what this book is about – “first” level.

And maybe then – I anticipate at least – you’ll begin to ask yourself an even better and more important question…

“What’s possible?” – and that is “next” level…

Now I could certainly go on and talk about my life and all the stuff I’ve done – but I’m not going to waste my time on that. Instead I want to focus on you and what you want to “step into”. If that sounds like something you’d be interested in – I would suggest you go ahead and get this book I wrote for you.

Get YOUR copy TODAY!

Get Your Copy of Stop Giving A FucK today

Don’t Wait – ACT NOW!

Here’s something I’m going to share – when we hit an opportunity that is going to change ourselves at a very real and fundamental level – Our “self-image”, our “identity” does not like that. It does not like “change” and often when we are “presented” with a very real possibility of evoking change, more especially when that change is going to be quite “significant” our mind will do anything and everything to “avoid that.”

I’m not saying that is or is not happening for you right now – I’m just sharing a phenomenon I’ve come to find is very, very real.

If your are on the fence on whether you should get this book or not – all I’m saying is question what that “thought” really is and what that “thought” is really about.

I’m not here to tell anyone what to do with “their” life – all I can say is that I “KNOW” this book is something and I’ve witnessed it’s very real impact on many, many individuals since it’s first production back in the year of 2010.

Changing Lives and Changing the Game – that’s what I, Jake Laura, am about.

But in the end – you are going to have to make up your own mind.

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