

Facilitate: To make easier or less difficult

Facilitate: To make easier or less difficult

Hey, my name is Jake Laura, and I have been operating as a facilitator in what I would refer to as Spiritual Development since the year of 2007. I have to be cautious when I use the word Spiritual because that word probably doesn’t mean the same thing to you as it does to me.

I believe all pathways towards mastery are roads to Spiritual Development, from learning how to socialize and talk to strangers, to dating, to learning how to program computers, to carpentry, to learning how to be a father or mother to your family, to operating in the capacity of a facilitator yourself as a therapist or even operating as a policy enforcer in the public arena.

All paths of mastery lead to a higher and deeper connection with our Creator, whatever your Creator may be, as I am not here to put any limitation on what that is or the definition you hold to be true.

It’s my philosophical stance that this reality is a tool to enhance our development and deepen our connection into remembrance of who we are and to build and develop a stronger connection with our Creator, again, whatever “your” Creator may be.

My background first started in the area of socializing. In 2007, I started a website called StopGivingAFuck.com and assisted men in their 20’s and 30’s become more socially adept, overcome social anxiety, and overcome their fears of rejection. There’s a lot more I can go into on the specific subject, but that was my start when it came to assisting individuals expand their level of awareness of what is possible.

I then moved into more into the qualities of Self-Acceptance as a whole.

Now I primarily focus on moving closer in relationship with our Creator, whatever that may be for you, and in that, learning to Love and Accept ourselves in totality and, with that, increasing our bandwidth in who and what we can Do and in who and what we can Be.

What you decide to do with what we go over – that’s on you.

I have two rules that I “wish” for you to follow if you want to work with me.



1) Love “your” creator more than the rest – First and Foremost

2) Next, to Love “your” neighbor as yourself – Coming after the First wish


I have a long history of having many, many talks with many, many people, and my conversations usually last 2-3 hours on average. And I have multiple of these types calls a week.

People from all walks of life use my stuff, some of those, multiple people, in a professional capacity of their own, in a way that they feel comfortable, “more mainstream”, and in a way that makes sense and is authentic to and for them.

My stuff works – that I know.

This is a practice, and just like practicing law, or practicing medicine, or practicing martial arts, it’s a “practice”

I merely operate as a facilitator showing and expressing how to do this practice that I have cultivated over the years. In that, I express how-to’s and share my personal understanding, theories and what not on what might possibly be the reasoning behind the changes and results that take place from these practices.

I have many tools, some of which are in the books that I have written, some of which are not in the books I have written.

Through our conversation – I’ll obtain feedback on what your goals are, where the bottlenecks exist, and what you can do to continue moving forward.

My conversations include but are not limited by, concepts from the schools of thought on Jurisprudence (philosophy of Law), Religion, and Philosophy. Also, I facilitate and express ideas on how to meditate, so sometimes, we will literally just sit there in silence for 30+ minutes, meditating if that is what is needed.

If you are interested, you’ll need to email me and let me know. From there I can send you to a password-protected page where you can schedule a call.

The calls last for as long as they last, but anticipate 2-3 hours. You’re paying for 2 hours, but the call ends when one of us needs to go or a closing point has been achieved, and it’s simply then a waste of time to keep talking, “information overload”…

Send me an email at Jake@JakeLaura.com if this is something you want to “step into,” and we will go from there.

As far as cost go, I currently charge $120 a session which is for a 2-3 hour call. 

I sincerely believe that is fair, if you do not think that’s fair, email me, and we can talk about it.

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